Top 5 Crystals to Release Negativity & Help you Feel More Positive

During the darker winter months, we can find ourselves feeling a little down and depressed.  It can be difficult to get motivated to go outside when we have to put on several layers of clothing and get soaking wet to go out and exercise or even pop down to the shops.

We can become lethargic and feel depressed longing for sunnier summer days but there are crystals that can help you to get over the dark days and feel more positive.

Black Obsidian tumblestones

Black Obsidian is a very powerful stone for releasing negativity, it can be tough going but is well worth it for the end result.  This crystal helps to make us aware of issues that we maybe thought we'd already dealt with but actually still need to be fully released.  It's like a deep cleanse going far inside us to search out any remaining negativity and bringing it to our attention so that it can be completely dealt with.  It can be a bit overwhelming while we're going through this but it will really do the job and we'll feel so much better after all the releasing.  Black Obsidian is great in that it also provides us with protection on all levels so that we have comfort that we're safe while going through all the emotional changes that releasing can bring.

Snowflake Obsidian palm stone

Snowflake Obsidian is similar to Black Obsidian but works in a much more gentle way.  You may feel like using Snowflake Obsidian first to break yourself in gently, before using the more powerful Black Obsidian.  Snowflake Obsidian is particularly helpful in breaking stressful mental patterns so that we can stop repeating the same negative behaviour.  As it also helps us to make wise decisions and is a stone of purity, it will help us to decide what is the best outcome for our ultimate good.  It can help us to understand why we allow negativity into our lives and help us to move forward in a positive way. 

Aqua Aura
Aqua Aura is Quartz crystal that has been bonded with gold.  This crystal releases negativity from our subtle body as well as cleansing and healing holes in the aura.  It also frees us from limitation and creates space for new experiences.  It's a stress-releaser that also brings peace.
Black Tourmaline
This powerful stone protects against negative energies of all kinds.  It also protects against psychic attacking, spells and ill wishing.  Reducing tension and stress it promotes a positive, laid back attitude.  This is a crystal that helps to keep you grounded and increases physical vitality.
A  joyful stone that promotes optimism and joy in life.  It also absorbs negativity and helps to develop a positive attitude.  This crystal also promotes inner calm and enjoyment of new experiences as well as releasing negative traits and feelings.
Choose whichever stone feels right for you but it's always best to release any negative patterns or behaviours before bring in new energy and experiences.

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